Add Lots from the Dashboard

Important: Lots must be added, otherwise your complete orchard/block/lot list may not be visible in-app.

Adding lots is a 2 part process:

Part 1 - Add a lot

Part 2 - Assign lot to blocks and varieties

Part 1 - Add a Lot

Step 1

Log in to the web dashboard at with the same username and password you use for the Hectre app.

Step 2

Numbers in image correspond to numbers below

  1. Click on Admin
  2. Click on Orchards
  3. Click on Lots
  4. Click on the "+" button to add a new Lot

Step 3

Enter the Lot name or number and click Add

Part 2 - Assign Lot to Blocks and Varieties

Now you need to define which blocks and varieties you will be receiving from the lot. How you set this up will depend on your original account set up. Contact your Hectre representative or if you're not sure what to do.

Step 1

Numbers in image correspond to numbers below

  1. Click Orchards
  2. Click "+" to add a new Ranch (this often represents the grower, but won't be visible from the app)
  3. Click "+" to add a new block
  4. Your current varieties are represented by Sub Blocks. You can see which lot is currently assigned to the varieties within your blocks under the sub block summary.

Step 2

Add blocks and varieties for the lot

  • Click the "+" to add a new block (see number 3 in image above)
  • Enter block name
  • Choose a variety
  • Click "+Add" to choose more varieties (1 in image below)

Note - Clicking "Add" will finish adding varieties to the block (2 in image below)

Step 3

Numbers in image correspond to numbers below

  1. Select your variety
  2. Name the sub block (suggestion: to make this quicker, use abbreviation of variety e.g. Red Delicious = red del).

    Note: the sub block name will not be visible in the Hectre app.

  3. Select the lot for this variety and block
  4. Click "+Add" to add a new variety line
  5. Click "Add" when you've finished selecting all your varieties for that block

If a Variety is Added but Missing a Lot

Step 1

Click the pencil icon on to edit the sub block

Step 2

Numbers in image correspond to numbers below

  1. Select the Lot
  2. Click Save

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