Assign a Color Expert

A color expert is someone in your organization that you trust to set up your color parameters and families (what are color families).

The color red can look different depending on the lighting condition (e.g. sunny, cloudy, LED light), a person must first teach Spectre how to identify red in various lighting situations.

Color parameters effect the color results you'll receive for your Spectre scans, so it's important that these are set up correctly.

A color expert will be responsible for setting up these color parameters. They will also be notified if a new lighting condition has been detected by Spectre that doesn't have an associated color parameter.

How to Make Someone a Color Expert

Step 1

Step 2

  • Click Admin
  • Click Staff

Step 3

  • Find the person you want to be a color expert (scroll through list or use search bar on top of page)
  • Click on the person's name to open Personal Details

Step 4

  • Select the Color Expert checkbox
  • Click Save

This person will now be able to add or edit color families from the Spectre Dashboard, and will receive emails when a new lighting condition is detected. The email will contain a prompt for them to add a new color parameter for that lighting condition - add a color parameter.

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