Hectre Perform Account Types

When entering or updating staff in Hectre Perform it is important to assign them with the appropriate account types that allow them to access certain parts of the Perform app and dashboard.

In this article we will explain 

  • Mobile application permissions
  • Dashboard permissions.

Mobile application permissions

There are certain functionalities in Hectre perform that are affected by staff account type. Below is a list of these and how they are affected by the account type.

Picker list: 

This is a list of staff who can be logged against a bin. Every active staff member from staff through to owners is available in this list.

Application Login: 

Only certain account types have the ability to log into the Hectre Perform app. These are Fulltime Staff, Supervisors, Managers and Owners.

Scan, search and edit all bins: 

It is possible to scan the bin ticket or search for bin details based on the bin id. It is also possible to scan or search bin details that have been logged by other staff members and then edit these details. Fulltime Staff, Supervisors, Managers and Owners can do this.

View insights:

Insights and analysis are available in the insights view. Supervisors, Managers and Owners can view this

View info for all supervisors: 

Managers and Owners have the ability to switch between the different supervisors to see who has logged what.

Settings and Notifications: 

Only managers and owners have the ability to configure the thresholds and notifications.

Receive Notifications:

Managers and owners will receive all notifications. Supervisors will only receive notifications for bins they have are associated with. Users can configure which notifications they receive and how often.

Account Type & Functionality Access

Account Type Picker List Can Login Scan and search all bins View insights View every supervisor’s bins Settings and Notifications Receive alerts
Staff Yes No No No No No No
Fulltime Staff Yes Yes Yes No No No No
Supervisor Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes*
Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Owner Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

*A supervisor will only receive alerts for bins they are associated with.

Hectre Dashboard Permissions

Only Managers and Owners will have access to the Admin settings page. The Admin page allows the Owner or Manager to

  • Add/ Edit/ Delete Varieties
  • Add/ Edit/ Delete Orchard Locations
  • Add/ Edit/ Delete Staff
  • Customise Defect Types
  • Set available Pick Numbers

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