Image Capture Best Practices for Optimizing Color Accuracy

  1. Minimize Shadows

    1. Shadows can distort color accuracy.
    2. To reduce shadows, stand at the side of the bin and face the sun when capturing images.
    3. Avoid casting your own shadow onto the bin.

      Stand on the opposing side of the bin to reduce human shadow
  2. Control Light Sources

    1. Minimize variation in light sources when capturing images.
    2. When capturing indoors, ensure nearby artificial lights are controlled.
    3. Uncontrolled light sources can alter how the camera perceives color and create multiple shadows.

      Remove nearby uncontrolled light sources to optimize accuracy
  3. Avoid Motion Blur

    1. Motion blur can distort fruit colors.
    2. For handheld captures, hold the device steady.
    3. For top-down captures, ensure vehicles move no faster than 5 m/h (8 km/h).

      Reduce truck speed to no more than 5mph (8km/h) to eliminate motion blur impact
  4. Capture Images Directly in the App for Handheld users

    1. Using images from the device’s gallery can reduce color accuracy.
    2. The app cannot reference key information from gallery images during processing.
  5. Remove Nearby Reflective Objects

    1. Remove nearby objects that may affect color accuracy.
    2. For example, a blue wall near the bin can reflect blue light, altering how the camera sees fruit color.
  6. Ensure Adequate Illumination

    1. For top-down captures, use an artificial light source near the camera to illuminate the entire frame.
    2. Ensure the light source has a high CRI rating (e.g., 95) for balanced color lighting.
    3. Unbalanced light sources can skew color accuracy.

By following these practices, you will optimize the accuracy of color grade for your fruit using the Hectre app.

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