Why has my Image Failed to Upload?

There are 2 areas of the app where you can upload images:

  1. For creating a Color Parameter
  2. When creating a group for sizing

If you encounter a Failed to Upload status for either of the above, please check the below points:

🛜 Internet Connection

A stable internet connection is required to upload a group

  • failed groups will be stored on your device and you can find and re-upload them from the bottom of the "Results" page

📸 Image Quality

Blurry or dark images may fail to process due to low fruit detection

  • hold your device steady when taking images and ensure lighting isn't too dull

🟫 Bin Corners Missing

Spectre uses the upper four corners of fruit bins to help detect and size the apples. If any corners of a bin are missing, the fruit may not be detected

🔄 Photos Taken from Wrong Side

As standard, Spectre accounts are configured to size bins photographed from the longest side

  • Make sure images are taken while facing the longest side of the bin

Note: If your account is configured to take images from the shortest side, make sure images are always taken from the shortest side

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