Add Users

Add staff to your account to allow users to log into the app and scan fruit in Spectre for size and color results.

If users require access to the Spectre Dashboard, please contact The Spectre Dashboard allows users to view and aggregate all results, pull reports, and edit settings.

Add Staff

Step 1

Step 2

  • Click Admin (1)
  • Click Staff (2)
  • Click + Add New (3)

Step 3

Enter staff Personal Details - mandatory items outlined in image below

  • Enter First and Last Name (1)
  • Choose Account Type (2) set this to "Supervisor"
  • Choose Dashboard Access (3) set this to "None"
  • Email Address (4) - this will be the email used to log in, an email to setup the user password will be sent to this email.
  • Click Save


Duplicate staff members can not be created (same first and last name). If a staff member with the same name already exists in your account, even if they're deactivated, Hectre will not allow the new staff account to be created.

Use the search filter for "Staff Type" to view deactivated staff.

Staff can be reactivated by un-checking the "deactivate staff member" button on their personal details.

Deactivate Staff

  • Click Deactivate staff member
  • Click Save


Once deactivated, a staff member's previous timesheets can still be viewed.

Deactivated staff can be found by using the filter "Staff Type" (see below). To reactive a staff member, click on their account and uncheck the Deactivate Staff Member box (see above image) and click Save.

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