Including NZAPI locations in your bin tickets

Do you require NZAPI location information on your bin tickets? No problem! Watch the below video or keep reading to find out how.

Step 1: 

Ensure your locations in Hectre have been mapped to the NZAPI locations. To find out how, check out Mapping NZAPI Production Sites, Management Areas and Varieties to Hectre locations.

Step 2:

Now your locations have been mapped you will have the option to include NZAP information in your bin tickets. To do this you will need to navigate to the Picking module in your Hectre app.

Step 3:

From the Picking module you can select the gear icon at the top right of the screen. This will open the Bin settings screen.

Step 4:

The final option in Bin Settings is labeled NZAP. If you wish to see NZAPI locations on your bin tickets ensure the switch is set to Green.

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