Timesheet Summary View

The timesheet summary view offers the best way to see an overview of your team’s timesheets. Keep reading to find out how this powerful view can help monitor your team’s progress.

The Summary View can be broken down into two distinct ways of viewing the timesheets, Daily and Weekly. The daily view also enables you to edit multiple timesheet entries.


The daily view provides a means to review in depth details of your crews timesheets for a particular day.

  1. If harvesting, a total bin count for your crew and a hourly piece rate average across your team. 
    1. Note!! To view this for an individual use the Search Employee bar.
  2. Clock in and clock out times for each individual job and across the entire day.
  3. Timesheet status i.e. Clocked out or In progress
  4. Job Type and Wage Type for each timesheet entry.
  5. Location and Variety details
  6. Harvest and bin/ buckets details for each individual


The Weekly view provides an overview of your crew’s timesheets for a week.

  1. Total Hours & average hourly piece rate.
    1. Note!! To view this for an individual use the Search Employee bar.
  2. Job and Wages Types for each timesheet entry
  3. Time for each Job

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