Add Orchards Location Details
Personalize your Hectre account with your business' orchards, blocks, sub-blocks, and even row and tree numbers using the Admin function on the Dashboard.
Video followed by written instructions
- Add Orchard / Ranch - steps 2, 3
- Add Blocks - steps 4, 5, 6
- Add Sub Blocks - step 7
- Add Rows - step 8
Step 1
- Log in to your account on (the Dashboard)
Step 2
- Click on Admin
- Click on Orchards
- Click the + icon
Step 3
- Enter the Orchard / Ranch name
- Optional: add an industry-specific code for the orchard under the PIN section
- Optional: add a payroll cost code
- Click Save
Step 4
- Click on the orchard you just created (it'll be highlighted in red)
- Click on the + next to "Block"
Step 5
- Enter the Block Name
- Add a Variety (see how to add varieties to your account)
- Optional: add the land area for that variety. The template shows acres, but you can use any unit of measurement.
Click + Add (1) to add more varieties
Note: Click ADD (2) to save the block and move on (more varieties can be added to the block later)
Step 6
From this page you can quickly enter each variety / sub block found within the block. Each variety is represented by a Sub Block which you can name as you choose. You can also add sub blocks individually from a different page, found on Step 7.
- Enter varieties
- Name the Sub Block as you like
- Optional: enter size of area and payroll cost code
- Click + Add (1) to add the variety / sub block which will create a new line.
- Click ADD (2) when you've finished adding all the varieties / sub blocks.
Step 7
You can also add sub blocks from the page below.
- Click on the orchard
- Click on the block
- Click the + icon to add a new sub block
Step 8
Add rows to the sub blocks for recording tree-specific piece rate jobs such as pruning or thinning.
- Click on the orchard
- Click on the block
- Click on the sub block
- Click + Add New Rows to add rows 1-by-1
- Click + Add Group of Rows to add a string of rows with all the same tree numbers
If you want to record volume for a tree-specific job, but don't need to know the specific row numbers or tree numbers, add just one row with row number 0 (zero) and tree numbers 0 (zero).
(See article on recording pruning / thinning jobs for more details)
To Edit or Delete
- Click on the orchard, block, sub block you want to change
- Click the pencil icon to edit the name
- Click the trash can icon to delete the item