Payroll Calculations

There are a few calculations created by Hectre Payroll using timesheet records and pay rates. Below we'll explain how each point of pay is calculated.

Wages Pay

Uses hours worked on wages (hourly) jobs multiplied by staff wage rate. If staff wage rate is not defined, the account minimum wage will be used.

Image below shows staff wage rates on Admin, Staff page. Those with no information will be paid on account minimum wage. How to add or edit staff details

Image below of account minimum wage as found on Admin, General page. This rate is used for anyone without a personal wage rate. How to set minimum wage


Amount of paid breaks applied to the staff during the selected time period. These are calculated by default as one paid break every 4 hours worked. If your paid breaks are calculated based on a different time frame, please contact your Hectre representative.

Breaks Length

Length of paid break based on account settings as found on Admin, General page. If your business does not do paid breaks, simply set the Paid Break Length to 0 (zero). How to set account defaults

Contract Pay

Also known as piece rate pay. This is how much staff have earned based on the units recorded on their timesheet, and the rate of pay per unit. For example, 4 bins picked at $20 per bin = $80 contract pay.

Paid Breaks

Amount of pay for paid breaks.

Calculated at one paid break every four hours, with a break length customized on your account (see above "Breaks Length"). For staff working on piece rate (contract pay), the paid break pay is calculated based on their piece rate (contract) earnings.

For example, the worker picks 4 bins at $20 pay per bin. Their contract rate is therefore $80. They worked 4 hours and are entitled to one paid break. If the paid break length is 10 minutes, the pay for that 10 minute break would be 80/4 = $20 hourly rate = $3.33 for 10 minutes paid break.

Contract & Breaks

Total of Contract Pay and Paid Breaks

Top Up

The amount extra to be paid to piece rate (contract) workers, in order for them to be paid at least minimum wage. This is calculated by default based on the total piece rate (contract) earnings for a week. If your business require top ups to be calculated based on a different time range, please contact your Hectre representative.

The amount found under Contract & Breaks and your account minimum wage (found on Admin, General page) are used to calculate this number.

If the minimum wage on your account is $20 and a piece rate worker works 4 hours, their Contract & Breaks must be at least $80 (4*20) to make minimum wage.

If a piece rate worker earns $62.50 Contract & Breaks for 4 hours work, a Top Up amount of $17.50 will be applied ($80 minimum wage - $62.50 contract & breaks earning).

Total Pay

Contract & Breaks + TopUp

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