Welcome to Hectre Perform

Hectre Perform is designed to improve your pick quality, pack out percentage and ultimately your end return. Continue reading to learn how to set the system up and use the application over harvest.

In this article we will cover 

  • Setting up your account
  • Configuring Hectre Perform
  • Logging Harvest and Quality information

Setting up your account

To utilise Hectre perform you will first need to enter details about your organisation into Hectre. This includes orchard location, staff, varieties and more.

Configure Hectre Perform Notifications

Once your account is fully set up with all the required information you can get to work in Hectre Perform. Hectre Perform offers the ability to set thresholds for certain picking metrics that when breached result in Owners, Managers and the Supervisor of the bin being notified. These notifications can be based on 

  • Defect rate
  • Color Quality
  • Size
  • Productivity/ Speed

The settings view in Hectre Perform allows you to configure the thresholds and notifications

Logging Harvest and Quality information

To get the most value out of the analysis and transparency that Hectre Perform provides it is important to log high quality information during Harvest.

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