Log bin quality, size and color with Hectre Perform

To make the most of the transparency that Hectre Perform provides it is important that information is being logged sufficiently out in the field.

Logging field information in conjunction with the notifications you set up result in the appropriate people being notified as soon as an problem arises so it can be addressed as soon as possible. On top of this, the better information being entered, the more informative the insights around team performance will be.

This article contains details on

  • Creating new bins from scratch
  • Scanning an external bin code to create a new bin
  • Search and Edit existing bins
  • Deleting bins.

Create new bins

Step 1: Create a bin

  • From the Bins view select the + button to the bottom right.
  • Select Create a bin

Step 2: Assign bin location

  • Click edit button located to the right of the location pin.
  • Select the Orchard location
  • Select the Block location
  • Select the Sub-Block location

Note: If there is only one Block or Sub-Block available this will be auto selected.

Step 3: Select the pick number

Step 4: Select the supervisor

  • Select the supervisor of the crew who logged the bin

Step 5: Assign Pickers

  • Select the + icon located next to Pickers
  • Utilise search or scroll through the list of staff. Click on the staff member to add to bin
  • Continue to select pickers until all pickers associated with the bin are selected
  • Click on save

Step 6: Capture an image for size and color results

Note: Before capturing images you will need to ensure that your size band requirements have been provided to the team at Hectre.

If you want color results you will also need to set up your color grades.

Step 7: Log QC Defects

  • Select the + button located next QC samples
  • Select the desired Sample size.
  • Select the category you wish to log defects for
  • Click on the defect type to add a single defect entry
    • To remove, select the minus button.
  • Select save

Create a new bin from scan

Hectre Perform allows you to create a bin object in the system based on an external barcode. Once created, this bin can be found and updated by scan the barcode again.

Step 1: Scan the code

  • Click on the + button
  • Select Scan a bin ticket
  • Scan the barcode to create the bin

Step 2: Update the details of the bin

As you are essentially creating a new bin object in Hectre Perform please refer back to Step 2 of Create new bins

Search and edit existing bins

You may want to edit or add QC and size/color details to bins that already exist in the Hectre system. Below are scenarios and ways to locate bins to edit.

Search for a bin based on I.D.

  • Select the + button from the Bins view
  • Click on Enter a bin ID
  • Enter the bin ID and click on the red arrow button.

Note!! The bin ID search is case sensitive.

  • The bin details will be displayed at which point you can edit or add information as per Step 2 of Create new bins

Search for a bin by code scan

Note: This can be for bins already created in the Hectre Picking module with a Hectre QR code or for a bin that was created with an external bin code. If the code is not found a new bin object will be created.

  • Click the + button from the Bins view
  • Select Scan a bin ticket
  • Scan the code of the bin that already exists in Hectre
  • The bin details will be displayed at which point you can edit or add information as per Step 2 of Create new bins

Delete a bin

  • Locate a bin by either scrolling through the list of bins or searching for the bin as describe in Search and edit bins.
  • Bring up the Bin details
  • Select the bin and click on the 3 dots to the top right
  • Select Delete bin

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