Set up your Hectre Perform account

This article is your guide to setting up your Hectre Perform account so you can start utilising the application as soon as possible.

In this article we will cover

  • Creating your fruit varieties
  • Creating your location details
  • Adding employees
  • Customising your defects
  • Setting up your color grades.

Step 1: Create varieties

Setting up your varieties is an important first step when setting up your Hectre Perform account. Without them you can’t setup notifications, locations, color or size. Please refer to the below documentation on how to setup up your varieties.

Step 2: Add location details

Entering pick quality details into Hectre Perform relies on the orchard/ ranch locations and lots being available.

Step 3: Add employees

Employees must be entered in Hectre to allow designated people to login to the system as well as providing a list of pickers to log bins against.

Before entering staff please review the different account types and what access they provide in Hectre Perform

Step 4: Customise your defects (optional)

Hectre Perform comes out of the box with default defects as shown in the below images. If however you want to add, edit or delete these defects the Hectre dashboard provides the means to customise these defects to suit your needs. 

Step 5: Setup your color grade (optional)

Color grades represent the categorization of fruit based on color distribution and can be setup to align with market requirements. Utilising this function means your field staff get immediate feedback on whether they are picking to the required color specs or not.

If you wish to utilise the color grading functionality available in Hectre Perform you will first need to setup your colors grades. 

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